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Writer's picture: Oyama MbululaOyama Mbulula

A call to live life at its fullest, yolo baby. Apparently, YOLO was popularised by Drake the 21st-century incarnation of Horace the Latin poet who coined the original phrase, Carpe Diem - seize the day. Since then the phrase has been adopted by many people as a life mantra.

Yolo-rism, when harnessed properly is a great philosophy to live a personally remarkable and fulfilling life. It can challenge you to step out of your comfort zone because what have you got to lose? it forces you to stop waiting for the right time because your time here might be over within seconds. When that is channelled into seeking what authentically satisfies you without needing permission, the results can be amazing.

But when you throw in FOMO, the woe is me and my boring life feeling of missing out; your life can become a literal shit show. The YOLO-FOMO mix can be intoxicating; making you feel indestructible, clouding your judgement and overall sense of reality. I have felt it, the FOMO goblin nibbling at my shoulder. In these moments the crazy part of my brain wants to lose all sensibilities and yolo-rise in the craziest ways; empty out accounts hit the road with no destination in mind and never come back kind of ways. Add in the thrill of being young and having very few responsibilities; it becomes reeeally difficult to sober up because the brain is like "but I am young and there is still so much time to make to it up, to cover for whatever I don't or do do".

In these moments here is what I suggest you do:

  1. Breathe in and hold it in until your brain is screaming, because if it is busy screaming for you to breathe it is not coming up with self-sabotaging thoughts

  2. Then obviously breathe out, we don't need you passing out

  3. Close your eyes and think of three things you can control - it can be as simple as moving your pen from the right side to the left side of your desk or a full-on deep clean - and do them

  4. Click off whatever page you were browsing, because I bet R100 that you were on some internet scavenger hunt. It's way easier to feel FOMO for 2D depictions of life, we don't see those people as humans with stories, emotions and thoughts.

  5. Live your life and enjoy your journey

FOMO is that feeling you used to get as a child when you had to complete a chore during the day, while your friends played outside. It was annoying and your annoyance increased as your friends' laughter got louder, they were having fun while you were stuck with this task to complete. Then there was that naughty voice suggesting that you just leave the task unfinished and go play, you can finish it later - that's evil YOLO because your mom would've sjambokked you.

Remember, seize the day and don't ask for permission but be reasonable.

that's cute xoxo




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